Where we value, we contribute.
When we contribute, we increase.
When we increase, we enhance.
And so it is we feed the relationships we value.
Feed your relationship with God, the Divine, Creator and Source, Love ItSelf.
Give some time each day to fully appreciate Life.
Offer Prayers of Gratitude, rather than fear or contrition.
Dedicate your life work to serving the Good you were created to be and do.
Feed your relationship with your Self.
Acknowledge your Good works daily.
Use inner languaging that says you love and appreciate You.
Feed yourself only inspirational and healthy sights, sounds and foods.
Feed your relationship with your planet, your purpose and your place.
Notice the beauty and wonders of this Earth.
Celebrate every good and loving deed you do.
Take impeccable care of what you have and how you live.
Feed your relationships with those close to you.
Take time to openly express your love and appreciation.
Write notes of specific thanks as often as you notice.
Make it a practice to say loving words, to smile and hug.
Feed your relationships with strangers and those casual encounters.
Building a world of love requires treating each one with respect.
Giving everyone the best you have teaches them to give their best.
Remembering to Love others as you want others to Love You works.
Thanksgiving is a time of feasting, with feeding food.
Make sure this Thanksgiving you give people the feast of your Love.
Your Gratitude and Love are more nourishing and lasting than any meal.
Treasure the moments you are fed and feeding all your relationships.
Loving you by feeding you the Best I know,
Betty Lue