No matter way, never quit on Love.
Breathe and seek the blessings.
Allow life’s challenges to strengthen you.
Don’t fall into the trap of contracting in fear or attacking in anger.
When we are tested and tempted by fear-mongers, we can fall victim into fear-based thinking.
How do I protect myself? Will my life be ruined?
Are you going to lose it all?
We can rise up and remember to Love.
Trust and free ourselves from the contracting energy of fear and blame.
Say, We can and We will.
Think, “All is well.”
Imagine, Everyone benefitting by a return to simplicity and gratitude.
Life gives us lemons so we remember how to make REAL lemonade.
We are meant to be strengthened in faith…no weakened in fear.
We are called to keep on living joyfully and giving generously.
We are encouraged to quiet our minds and open our hearts.
Life is this beautiful gift that shows us natural cycles of breath…..Breathing out and breathing in.
Flowing out and flowing in…much like the ocean’s waves.
There is rhythm and energy in the cycles and seasons.
When we mess with what is natural and try to make it all our favorite way, we interfere. (fear)
And the correction feels as strong as is needed gto undo what is unhealthy and unnatural.
So here we go, riding the wave of the return to real values and celebration and contribution.
Blessed be to all who are willing and open to allow the Goodness to express in us and through us.
Life is Good and getting better, day by day.
Betty Lue