Sharing our Time, Energy and Money are ways to demonstrate we care.
Sharing our Wisdom, Joy and Inspiration are ways to enlighten our world.
Sharing our homes and hearths, our laughter and our tears are ways to invite others into our lives.
However we share, we demonstrate we care.
Caring and Sharing are acts of Love, conciliation and the remembrance of True Community.
How we share is the gift.
What is the intention of your caring?
When we intend to fix, change or make someone’s life better, we are judging they aren’t good enough.
When we have an attitude of celebration and appreciation, the other’s wellbeing is affirmed and blessed.
We are all becoming aware that we are all in this together.
Rich and poor, educated and ignorant, fearful and trusting: All are a part of the greater Good.
What we give is given to ourselves.
What we have is to be shared with all.
When we raise ourselves above others, we diminish both them and us.
When we judge some to be better or worse, we are comparing everyone.
When we give to others as we would want to be given to, we see that there is no separation.
The cycles and seasons of change tell us everyone is learning how to love everyone equally.
Mother Theresa expressed deep concern for the extreme poverty and hunger in our country.
Her concern was for our spiritual poverty and hunger.
Her desire was that we step into giving inspiration, faith, hope and love to one another.
She saw that we were serving the money God and not the God of Compassion and Peace.
Let us begin to prepare spiritual meals for our families and friends, our neighbors and our enemies.
May they be nourishment that feeds the aching heart seeking to return to safety and peace and joy.
May we remember that our brothers live in fear of violence, limitation and condemnation.
May we forgive any ways in which we have contributed to less respect, freedom and trust for all.
Our nation was founded on bringing the tired, the oppressed and the hungry to a land of opportunity.
Let us return to the simple gift of giving everyone an opportunity to rest in safety, express with freedom and to be fed hopeful and inspiring messages. Now is our time to step forward in faith with the founding fathers to be a nation of the people, by the people and for the people where all are given the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Now is our time. We are the Ones.
Begin in your own life and in your own home.
Ask yourself:
What can I do to create more safety and peace? What can I do to encourage freedom of expression? What can I do to offer messages of hope and inspiration?
Blessings you’re your willingness to be the One,
Betty Lue
Are you willing to share your frosting?