On this, the eve of my birth (8.16.42 at 11:51 PM), I am aware of how much we choose (or is chosen by our Soul Self, God Self that directs and guides our whole life. To look at our life from the perspective of being on purpose, filled with learning and letting go, both auspicious and challenging experiences, special relationship assignments and projects, opportunities love and serve hundreds of folks, both long term and
brief encounters, we can see patterns of healing and creation.
Take the time to really scan the beautiful tapestry of your life.
Value every moment and see how full of wonder it really is.
Enjoy the blessings both given and received.
Savor the richness of those cosmic events that inspire and guide you.
Realize how really significant your life is and was to so many others.
Appreciate your healers, teachers and guides, both seen and unseen.
Honor You and the important part you are playing on this physical stage.
We really are all the same.
We do matter to one another.
Our words make a difference.
Our smiles really brighten the world.
Our thoughts and vision inspire.
Our deeds, both good and bad, make an impact.
Make today the day you give credit where it is due….to YOU!
I am loving you,
Betty Lue