Send Loving energy everywhere to everyone all the time.
If you imagine your energy is like the light of the sun…..
If you see yourself as the Source of Love and warmth for all life…….
If you acknowledge that Love is the creative Power…….
If you give your life to Love and Loving……..
Then ……
Love is your natural state.
Your only true and lasting gift is Love.
All life is benefitted by your Loving.
You are blessed by the Love you give.
Why would love be withheld?
Why would we want to give less than our best?
Why would we believe that lack of love is good for us?
Why we would ever deny ourselves the blessing of Loving?
If you have forgotten to Love, choose again.
If you are withholding love from someone, forgive yourself.
If you are denying the healing power of Love, heal your self.
If you are trying to get the Love you want, give the Love you are.
When you see anger, there is a lack of respect.
When you see fear, there is a lack of trust.
When you see depression, there is a lack of freedom.
When you see less that happiness and peace, there is a lack of Love
You can make a difference.
Your Love makes a difference.
You need not know, touch or see another to extend Love.
You need only be willing to extend the Love You Are.
I am loving you.
Every True and always,
Betty Lue
We leave for annual group retreat in Kona, HI tomorrow 6AM.
We are available by email and phone #800-919-2392.
Friday 7/25 We return late.
Saturday 7/26 Living Ministry, 9-4:30PM , PH CCL
Sunday 7/27 Unity on the Delta, Sunday School 8:45AM (all ages)
Church service 10AM
Monday 7/28 Moving our home.
Tuesday 7/29 Clients and Discover Your Essence class.
Wednesday 7/30 Clients and Relationship Coaching Circle
Saturday 8/2 Clients
Sunday 8/3 Unity on the Delta, 10 Am
Charley Thweatt Concert 2-4:30PM
Monday 8/4 Clients
Tuesday 8/5-11 in North Carolina and Michigan with Mom, Family Reunion and friends.