This morning I am giving the talk at Unity on the Delta, a Christian church community.
The title is “The Greatest Light”
I am sharing with you my notes, so you will see what I hear within and know to be the truth for me.
Whenever we ask, and listen without interference, we can hear and feel and know the answer.
Whenever we are open, with a quiet mind and grateful heart, we can trust we will know.
Whenever we are forgiving of our past mistakes, resistance or distraction, we will hear.
Whenever we are willing to be wrong and happy to learn once again, we will easily be guided.
Life can be fun, safe and easy when we are happy and willing to listen within, to learn what we need to know and to go, do and say what is guided.
The following talk would be expressed in a different way for those of other faiths or no faith at all, but the message would be the same.
You see, it matters not the specific philosophy or belief system.
What matters is that we live the Truth we know.
What matters is that we give the best we have.
What matters is that we accept and respect everyone.
What matters is that we remember always the Goodness of God.
So I share with you.
You are the Light of the world.
Forgiveness is your function to blow away the clouds that block the sun.
Forgiveness of yourself dissolves every fear and clears the way to be the Light.
Forgiveness of others reminds them to shine their light on themselves as well.
Life is an enlightening process.
Light, Light, more Light.
Loving you always,
Betty Lue