To see miracles, you must be ready.
To see miracles, you must expect them.
To see miracles, you must be forgiving.
To see miracles, you must know you are one.
Miracles are seen in light.
Light and Truth are One.
When we are filled with joy, we see miracles.
When we are filled with peace, we know miracles.
When we are filled with love, we are the miracles we see and know.
When we are filled with gratitude, we increase our awareness of miracles.
Miracles are natural to those who live in love.
Miracles come from Love.
Miracles are seen with forgiving eyes.
Miracles can reverse all errors in our minds.
So what must we do to be miracle-ready?
We must not assume we know.
We must release our beliefs based on past history.
We must undo our fear with forgiveness.
We must be willing to see things differently.
We must remember all things work together for Good.
We must trust in the essential Goodness in the Universe.
We must be open to see with right-minded perception.
We must encourage creative possibilities.
We must allow ourselves to be miracles and see miracles.
We must appreciate the miracle of life itself.
Life is a source of wonder and joy.
Let’s enjoy the everyday miracles.
You are a miracle in my life.
And I totally love, respect and appreciate YOU!
Loving you,
Betty Lue