Live Your Best.
Forgive the Rest.
What is your best?
First take impeccable care of your body, mind and Spirit.
Then you will begin to see what the best might be.
To give your best is to treat everyone as our honored guest.
Make every moment count.
When we are living our best, we are alive, on purpose and awake to our journey home.
When we are giving leftovers or empty of resources, we are dying, off purpose and asleep at the wheel. Life is meant to be lived, or it is nothing.
NO matter what our physical state, we can each be a giver of the best we have.
We can each appreciate the Good that we are.
We can each celebrate our journey back to Source.
Live one day, one breath at a time and enjoy each moment.
Some quick tips as wakeup calls:
Love not fear.
Have faith. Don’t worry.
Be positive, not negative.
Be smiling, not frowning.
Be present, not living in the past.
Do what makes a difference, rather than wish things were different.
Live today fully rather than wait for tomorrow.
Appreciate what you have, rather than look for more to have.
Give your best. Don’t wait to get the best.
Teach by example, not by lecturing or nagging.
Stop complaining. Start changing your life.
Learn to reach out rather than sit back.
Extend peace to all, rather than fight for peace for some.
Honor each one as your holy guest, rather than treat only the saintly ones with respect.
The power of your life is in your openness and full appreciation.
In Joy,
Betty Lue