Do you enjoy the warmth and light of the sun?
Do you take your children /grandchildren to play on the land?
Do you watch with fascination how bugs take care of us?
Do you appreciate the balance of nature and how it serves us well?
Do you realize all life forms and species were here first?
Are you amazed by the weather?
Do you watch the clouds roll by?
Are you inspired by a sunrise?
Can you feel the trees bless our very existence?
Do you smile when you see the flowers bloom?
Are you grateful for the fresh foods you eat?
Are you uplifted by the sounds of the birds in the trees?
Do you ever watch the squirrels frolic or laze around in the trees?
Have you ever watched how diligent ants work?
Do you realize the intricacy of bees to make honey?
Are you fascinated by the communication among animals?
Do you admire the detail of imprinting that goes on from parents to offspring?
Do you watch how the sunlight flickers on the leaves?
Have you ever imagined how one drop of water takes its journey back to the ocean?
Can you smell the seasons change by sniffing the air?
Do you appreciate the life, death and birth cycle of all life?
Can you attune to the strength of the migration patterns of birds?
Do you really appreciate Mother Earth and her many roles in all life?
Now is the time to consider:
Stop wasting.
Stop being so greedy.
Stop dumping toxic material.
Stop using without gratitude.
Begin enjoying everyday.
Begin noticing what is given.
Begin honoring the nourishment.
Begin sharing rather than saving.
Begin trusting your natural instincts.
Begin treating your whole life as sacred.
Begin breathing your Love to all creatures.
Begin today to appreciate what has been given us to enjoy.
Just begin,
Betty Lue
At Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek. Bring Your kids to see pigs, goats, chickens and roosters, lots of birds and a working farm. Fun, safe and easy. The wild flowers are awesome right now. Plenty of hiking trails with great vistas for big people.
Lila and Harper will be 3 years old on April 27. Beckett, their baby brother, outweighs them at almost 18 months. Few pictures, because mostly we were interacting.