Read Eckhart Tolle’s Book The New Earth and the Power of Now.
Remember you are the one awakening the One within.
It is within our own consciousness that we begin to explore the power of Now and the Joy of Being.
To experience paradise is to be here now.
To know the freedom of Being True to our Essence we must be present with ourselves.
Can you be grateful right now for who you are?
Can you accept the conditions of your whole life?
Can you fully enjoy this life as it is?
Can you be enthusiastic about something you are doing?
These are some of the prerequisites to really knowing and living your purpose.
Since “our purpose” is not found in the form of what we are doing, but rather found in the consciousness with which we are doing it, we must leave the world of judgment, comparison and evaluation behind.
We find the enjoyment of our purpose in the full appreciation of ourselves and our lives as they are.
There is little that discourages, deludes and confuses us when we are committed to being conscious.
To be conscious is to be respectful and responsible.
To be conscious is to accept, appreciate and enjoy.
To be conscious is to be fully alive, alert and enthusiastic.
Life is good when we change our thoughts from fearful to loving.
Life is great when we appreciate rather than criticize and complain.
Life is awesome when we see the beauty and goodness and no longer seek the darkness and suffering.
We are the ones making the choice to awaken and experience paradise or to see the doomsday of humanity.
Oh my gosh, Betty Lue.
Can this really be true?
Wherever I am or whatever I do.
I can choose to see and be the awakener and the awakening!
Loving you in our Loving choices,
Betty Lue