When you have a glimpse of the fun, safe and easy life, celebrate.
When you feel great love for someone, give thinks.
When you feel natural joy surging inside your very being, pay attention.
Give energy and gratitude to that which you want to see and be in your life.
Too often we focus on what is missing and it grows.
Many times we are seeking for what is wrong and fail to see what is right.
When we are lost in comparison and evaluation, our judgments focus on what is not the best.
Wherever we place our attention, we are growing and increasing what we claim to not want.
Practice, observe and you will learn.
Practice seeking out the Good in your life.
Observe how it grows with your gratitude and joy.
Learn that your experiences come from your choices.
When we conceive (imagine) and believe (have faith), we perceive (see, feel and know) and achieve (experience).
Life works for us.
We just mistakenly thought life was the boss.
When we are willing to be responsible, we will consciously choose the life we really want.
I am on my way home from a retreat in Kauai, HI.
I asked myself to list the qualities that I enjoy here.
As I listed the experience I desire, I saw many ways to bring more of that experience with me wherever I go.
And I also saw how much of what I really want, I already have in my daily life.
This is the value of living, learning and letting go.
When we let go of what we no longer value and appreciate what we really want, our life transforms.
We recognize that we are creators of our experiences.
We love and honor ourselves by living our highest calling everyday.
Loving you and me as One.
We are never alone.
When we are awakened and reminded, we all benefit.
Blessings of awareness,
Betty Lue