During the coming of spring, it is time to be awakened.
During the coming of the full moon, it is time to pay attention.
During the coming of Easter, it is time to resurrect the Love we are.
During the coming of healing and transformation, it is time for us to be free.
Are you free to sing the songs that lift your spirits?
Are you free to speak your Highest Truth?
Are you free to heal your relationships by forgiving the past?
Are you free to change your mind and transform your attitude?
This is the time to plow under what used to be and yet never was real.
This is the time to plant your garden of love and peace and joy in your soul.
This is the time to let go of scary stuff, misguided rules and endless stories of suffering.
This is the time to undo what never was true and reveal what is real in Love and Faith.
We can each one of us…
Learn to laugh again.
Treat everyone as a friend.
Make Love be our guide.
And always know we tried to give our best in every way!
You see in the beginning and the end.
We are the Ones who are making the real difference.
When all is saide and done, it will be the little things that really count.
It is all about what we think and say and do every minute of every day.
Let’s make this Easter really count
Let’s give this full moon out full attention to what is Good for All.
Let’s plant the seeds of loving kindness again in the garden of our heart.
Let’s give our All that All will give the Truth of Who We Are.
Together in Love Forever,
Betty Lue