At home and in the workplace, as volunteers and paid employees, we have invitations and opportunities to partner with others.
When you have positive experiences, you can build on your successes.
With negative or failed experiences, we we may quit.
Remember: Wherever two or more are joined, there all things can work together for the Good of All.
What do you experience when you prepare a beautiful and bountiful meal with someone?
What do you experience when you share a living space with one or more people?
What have you experience when you work on a project with a team of volunteers?
What have you successfully completed with the cooperation of others/
Successes build greater success.
Failure often leads to doubt and reluctance in future partnered endeavors.
For future success, after forgiveness of past experiences, here are some keys for you.
Remember, these partnerships include, marriage, families, volunteering, working together and more.
Five Keys for Successful Relationships
Find a common vision or goal. The higher the desired outcome, the more likely you will find joining.
Be willing to be open and hold no judgments. Secrets block energy and engage suspicion and act of trust.
Give and receive the best you have at all times. Teach and learn from one another.
Be committed to the highest and best for each of the partners. Make only win-win decisions.
Take impeccable care of yourself, so you are able to respond every need. Be able to respond.
Partnerships work to uncover the doubt, resistance, fears and failures.
The blocks to trust and freedom are overcome with a willingness to forgive the past and be present.
Trust and Freedom are the spiritual ingredients to keep the partnership moving toward success for all.
Loving you as my partner in life with trust and freedom,
Betty Lue