You are teaching your world.
You are teaching everyone how to treat you and how to treat themselves and how to treat others.
They are watching you.
They are listening to you.
They are feeling you.
They are seeing your achievements, your emotions, your state of health.
Everyone is listening to your tone of voice, the words you say and the quality of your communication.
Everyone is learning from you everyday.
There is no privacy in this teaching learning stuff.
Those who are closest can feel our feelings and hear our thoughts.
The others experience the ripple effect from our living.
You are teaching all the universe with everything you think and say and do.
Teach what you want your world to learn by thinking, speaking and affirming the Good you want to see.
The more I love and respect myself, the more I love and respect others.
The more I love and respect myself, the more others love and respect me.
The more I love and respect myself, the more others love and respect themselves.
The more I love and respect myself the more others love and respect others.
And so it is that my choices at teaching my world.
The change begins within.
Begin by living in the way that makes you happy and proud.
Behave as if all the world were watching and learning from you.
Think the thoughts that you want others to think about you.
Speak words that affirm and bless and heal and teach the Highest good.
Live life as though it really matters, because it does!
Loving you,
Betty Lue