Are there problems that need solving?
The spiritual solution is to trust God within.
The worldly solution is to choose clarity and commitment.
The difficulty or obstacles in resolving anything is lack of inner peace.
Where there is inner conflict, there is pain, stress, confusion, lack of clarity.
Where there are many answers, there is a scattering of energy rather than focus and simplicity.
Where there are distractions, delays and detours, there is dissolution or lack of solution.
To prepare for making a choice you can live with and accomplish and actually create,
Keep it simple, familiar and easy to practice daily.
Make a step-by-step plan rather than taking giant steps to success.
And give yourself time to learn and earn rewards along the way.
Look for priorities.
What is the one thing you can choose or change that will most benefit all areas of your life?
Consider giving yourself the time, the focus, the consideration you would give to someone important.
Consider treating yourself as the most precious gift you might be given in your whole life.
Consider making yourself the number one priority in your schedule and financial support..
Consider realizing that without the best you, your life purpose and dreams cannot come true.
You are the one key to everything you want to be or do or have.
Your life is the life you are here to save, to cherish to ensure.
Your happy and healthy self is the origin of all good things in life.
You cannot have the best life possible without having You show up.
So make time in the next few days to make a change of mind.
Write out your highest goals for 2008 and prioritize.
Give yourself affirmations to do as daily reminders.
Spend equal time in work, creativity, rest and play.
Take care of you!
Loving you,
Betty Lue
We learn to climb the stairs of life together!
Harper and Lila (32 mo old twins) teach brother Beckett (14 mos)
Always there is a loving presence to keep us safe!