Every time we enjoy one sunrise, we are enjoying all sunrises.
Every time we say one kind word, we are saying kind words to everyone and to ourselves.
For in each precious present moment, all is given and received in love.
Giving our best does not mean buying gifts of great value.
Giving our best does not mean winning prizes or approval.
Giving our best does not mean doing it better than others have done.
Giving our best means generously and joyfully giving our authentic selves with loving kindness.
We can have faults and make mistakes.
We can have the appearance of physical and mental limitations.
We can be living on the streets or in a corporate tower.
It matters not.
Giving our best is loving ourselves, our Source and others with genuine trust and freedom.
How you spend today is your choice.
In prayer, in praise, in competition, in sales, in relaxation, in creation,
It matters not so much what you do as it does the intention of your living.
Set your intention. State the mission and purpose for your whole life.
Know who you are and where you are and why you are there.
Trust in the perfection of chance encounters as well as long time associations.
Give your best to each and everyone, leaving no one out.
For you see, each one is the One who is sent to you as teacher and student, as family and friend.
Each one is the perfect One in which you can remember the Love you are and why you came.
In this moment, give thanks that you are who you are.
Give thanks that you are where you are.
Give thanks for those who are with you on this sacred journey.
Trust that today will be a new day to find your true self and to give your best.
Loving you as I love each one and everyone,
Betty Lue
Today we are off for a three day adventure with three cherubs: Harper, Lila and Beckett.
The twin girls are 31 months old and their brother Beckett is 13 months old. While Beckett is crawling and being carried, he weighs the same as his sisters. Robert and I will be having the fun and the work of grand-parenting them, while Mom and Dad have a 3 day respite and mini-vacation. We will be home at our desks on Sunday, so please call (800-919-2392) if you need to reach us quickly. Loving you all.
Sharing a stool this summer.