These reminders are written daily by me to be shared with all those who wish to receive them.
They are my own spiritual guidance from which I am blessed.
I share them freely with those who request them.
I simply sit at my keyboard and let spirit direct the writing.
They flow through in 10-15 minutes.
There is no editing or spell check as you may notice.
I have been sharing them on email since Jan. 1, 1999.
And I will continue for as long as I am guided.
My prayer is that they benefit even one life with greater insight, love and encouragement in finding a better way.
Blessed be.
The Past is Gone.
Be Present in Love.
Love is the willingness to let go of what was and to be fully present with what is.
Judgment condemns or exalts the past and allows it to cloud the present with positives and negatives.
Forgiveness is the eraser that gently fills the mind with light to dissolve the archived history.
Where we hold the past, we judge, compare, encourage or avoid what is to come.
In this there is both prediction and predisposition for the past to repeat itself.
In this there is hyper vigilance for defense against what is condemned and expectation for what is valued.
The awareness of the present love and happiness is overlooked.
The distractive energies prevent our receipt of the blessings and gifts of love in the present.
The sooner we let go with gratitude and move on, the faster we can return to our natural path of ease.
The more we linger in contemplation, analysis and building a case for or against the past, the more we are distracted from enjoyment of our present.
History is the using of time to build a case for victimization and control.
As we build a case for defense against the past, we also delay our experience of right now.
As we endlessly discuss the wrongs of the past and worries about the future, we deplete our creative and spiritual energies for living today, fully awake, aware and creating our experience.
This hopeless tripping from past to future delays our mastery of happiness and inner peace in the present.
I choose to today to step forward and build a spirit-guided and service-oriented future, but celebrating Who I Am, valuing all I am learning, enjoying the blessings of today and giving always the best I have.
In love, faith and hope for our collective future,
Betty Lue