We choose to be happy or sad.
We choose to be forgiving or mad.
We choose to be rich or be poor.
We choose to be full or want more.
Life is our game to be played.
We can make it win, lose or draw.
We set the rules and the stage.
We can play for the game or the goal.
To make it easy on ourselves,
We can play with supporters or foes.
We can make the rules stringent or relaxed.
We can appreciate everyone's gains or look out for our own.
Life it seems is the laboratory, where we explore unlimited options.
Play it alone or with a team?
Play it gentle or play it mean?
Play it fun and easy or serious and hard.
Play it inside our home or out in the yard?
Play it every changing or routine?
Play it dirty or play it clean?
I like life, because I can always choose again.
I choose my environment.
I choose my friends.
I choose the work I do.
I choose how much I give.
I choose my attitude.
I choose how I live.
I choose what I believe.
I choose what I forget.
I choose what I value.
I choose what I regret.
Life at its best is for those who are willing to take responsibility for their choice.
Life as a victim comes when I blame my past, my present and my future for my experiences.
Life can be changed in a moment, simply by forgiving, choosing anew and moving on.
So let' us join in consciousness, and support one another in choosing the part we play.
Let's begin this and every new day ,as though it were totally ours to play…with full responsibility.
Loving you playing this game of life with me,
Betty Lue
Remember Love sets us free.
Bandaids on the fingers, on the toes and on the cheeks.
But ouch. They hurt when you take them off!