Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, Halloween, national holidays, Holy Days…
Every day is a Holy Day when seen with the eyes of Love.
Every day is a day for giving and living abundantly and joyously.
When we can remember to celebrate each day, we stay in the attitude of gratitude.
When we are grateful for being alive, there is only the flow of love for All and to All.
When we can truly value all those in our lives for the Gift they are, our eyes shine with delight.
When we can enter into each relationship as healed, whole and Holy, we perceive the Goodness.
Life becomes a daily celebration.
We need no excuses to light candles, to give gifts, to say "I love You."
We need not wait for a special day to respond to a request for something special.
We need only give ourselves right now in this and each holy moment.
So look at today, this day, your day, as a gift to you.
See what you can do to make this day worth living.
Give yourself the gift of wonder and curiosity and delight.
Create today being special for you and those you encounter.
Make each day new.
Paint it in colors that please you.
Give it fragrances that you enjoy.
And surround yourself with playmates that you respect and love.
Life is a gift given to each one.
It is to be treasured and to create lots of fun.
Life is a joy to beheld and behold.
It is to be shared with others, both young and old.
If we take just a little time to watch the sun rise or set.
If we share some smiles and some laughter,
Each day is special, never to forget.
Give thanks to the tress, the autumn sun and cool breeze.
Give thanks to your friends as they arrive and they leave.
And when you want a day just for you,
Choose what is best and is true.
Give yourself the time, and space.
Create your own beauty and grace.
I am loving you and each day,
(When I don't remember, I am simply caught in thinking and judging.
I forgive myself and choose again to find the beauty and Goodness in All That Is.)
Betty Lue
Let’s play each day. Play house. Play dress up. Play Mommy.
Play let’s discover. Play let’s be happy.