Tomorrow I am speaking on "Rest in God" at the Home of Truth Spiritual Center.
The Course in Miracles says, "Rest in God and protect your rest by loving."
We can work and rest.
We can play and rest.
We can create and rest.
We can relate and rest.
To rest in God means merely to remember everything is God and everything is Good.
To rest in God means to remember God is Love and Love is All.
To rest in God means we can know we are safe everywhere because God is always with us.
To rest in God means wherever we are, God Is and All Is Well.
To the ego, learned personality, human self, resting is sleeping, relaxing, doing little or nothing.
To Spirit, Higher Self, "Godlette" that we are, resting is remembering only Love prevails.
Attack thoughts beget fear of attack.
Angry words create fear of retaliation.
Judgments set us up for being anxious about being judged.
Efforting to do things right or seeking approval intiates the fear of disapproval.
Loving thoughts beget Love both given and received.
Kind words create more kindness and compassion in our world.
Forgiveness sets us up for being forgiven and at peace.
Trusting all is well as Good works through us creates more fun, safe and easy living.
We can rest assured in the Peace of God by being loving.
Love is the way we walk in gratitude.
Only love prevails, when the illusion is dissolved in the healing power of forgiving prayer.
When I We) make the mistake of being upset, frightened, judgmental, angry and hurt,
I (We) can quickly and easily give it all to God in faithful prayer that is will be used for the Good of All.
When humanity makes mistakes, which we do as we learn, we can ask for divine guidance,
forgive our errors and step away from guilt and fear and offer our gratitude that God will use all things for Good.
I rest my case in resting in and on the Love of God.
So be it..As I know All is well!
Betty Lue
You are my spiritual partners as we conspire to co-create a better world.
My heart smiles and my spirit rejoices.
Your gifts of love and appreciation inspires me and feed my soul.
Celebrate the gifts we share and grow in abundance and beauty.
Offering all I am given in Love, supports, strengthens and affirms this Love.
I love you, as you live the life you consciously desire .
I am supported and sustained by your kindness and generosity.
May you honor your Holy Self as you walk in Goodness, Beauty and Love.
Forever Loving You,
Betty Lue