In love there is no limit.
In fear, there is a limited view.
In joy there is only gratitude.
In pain, there is criticism.
In peace, there is harmony.
In conflict, there is criticism.
When we are giving All the best we have,
When we are generous with our love,
When we are patient with our understanding.
When we are forgiving and kind,
The opportunities open for infinite ways to love and serve.
We are needed here on planet Earth.
We are spiritual warriors, saviors, care-takers and friends.
We are the willing ones who are called to volunteer the best we know.
We are the open door through which God speaks, God loves, God heals and gives.
We are the reminders of the Way, the Truth and the Life of Love.
How we do this must be guided by spirit.
For whom we do this may not be known.
The paths we take make be solitary or communal.
The work we do may be consuming or fulfilling.
My reminder today is that I not deplete my joy light.
My reminder today is that I am never alone.
My reminder today is to give to those who will receive gratefully.
My reminder today is to receive all I give and to give all I have.
In this I am blessed and a blessing.
In this I am inspired and inspiring.
In this I am prospered and prosper.
In this I am loved and loving.
I choose a path that flows.
Where there are obstacles I flow around.
Like water I flow where there is ease.
Like love I give where love is needed.
Life provides limitless opportunities to love unconditionally.
Life shows us endless ways to serve from the heart.
Life offers infinite reminders of God's Loving Goodness.
We are to choose what brings us eternal happiness and peace.
Loving you in loving All,
Betty Lue