I was never taught to hate. I was shown how to Love everyone.
I was never taught to harm. I was taught to never kill anything or hurt anyone.
I was never taught to put down anyone. I was shown how to respect young and old.
I was never taught to withhold my gifts. I was given opportunities to always share the Highest Truths.
I was never taught to be angry. I was encouraged to speak my mind without letting energy build.
I was never taught to be afraid. I was invited to clear my fear with faith and trust in Higher Power.
I was never taught to belittle myself. I was always trusted and honored for my thoughts and ideas.
I was never taught to step away from prejudice or injustice. I was encouraged to speak up for equality.
I was never taught to wait to actualize. I was encouraged to believe all things are possible for Good.
I was never taught to feel guilty. I was always invited to tell the whole truth without fear.
I was never taught to be envious. I was encouraged to be grateful for the many blessings I have received.
I was never taught to be proud. I was told to give thanks to God for the gifts which are bestowed on me.
I was never taught to be separate. I was shown how to include everyone in my human family.
I was never taught to hold resentment. I was clear all people are here to help one another.
I was never taught to be petty. Life has too many treasures to mess around with complaining.
I was never taught to be childish. I was taught to be mature when it mattered and to play at life.
I was never taught to hold resentment. I was taught to forgive instantly and recognize the need for love.
I was never taught to deny others. I was expected to share everything I had with those in need.
I was never taught to yell or blame. I was taught to take responsibility, to learn and to discuss.
I was never taught to give authority for my choices to others. I was taught to make my own decisions.
There is more I could elucidate, if needed.
The important quality for me to see and share is how important our early teachings are in building our adult life.
It would be of value for you to write down what you were taught by words and beliefs and actions of your parents and other influential people.
It is of value for you to relearn what no longer works for you.
What we practice we are teaching with our thoughts as well as words and actions.
The cultural scripts being learned today by our heroes, movie stars, politicians, parents and significant folks in our life often are not exemplary.
I learned from the highest examples within my family and those lives of studied who were selfless, wise, inspiring and helpful to others.
I did not spend time with those who were selfish, ignorant, depressing and here solely for themselves.
Look at what you spend your time with in everyday life as well as in fantasy, story or spiritual study.
It s important that you know how you want to be and find role models, mentors and teachers.
Blessing us all as we learn,
Betty Lue