After speaking about some difficult friendships, someone recently asked, "Do you have friends?"
I immediately said, "No". This morning I found myself pondering my response. Yesterday
Someone reminded me, "It's lonely at the top." I do not feel lack or loneliness in any real sense. I have shared with students that the path becomes more narrow as you cultivate your spirituality.
As I walked this morning and talked to God (Holy spirit, Brother Jesus, the Master Teachers, Guardian Angels, etc.), I was reminded of a traditional hymn from my past and one that touched my heart.
"What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer."
I have no desire to cultivate traditional "human" friendship, as I perceive it to be.
I consider myself a spiritual friend for everyone who seeks that from me.
I value those who offer spiritual friendship, based on spiritual principles and practice.
So what is this spiritual friendship?
I foresee a book or collection of writings on Spiritual Friendship. (and this is the beginning outline.)
A spiritual friend listens without judging.
A spiritual friend gives effortlessly with no expectations.
A spiritual friend takes all problems in prayer to God.
A spiritual friend offers only what is asked, no more and no less.
A spiritual friend guides as they are guided from within.
A spiritual friend sees always and only the Good within.
A spiritual friend takes impeccable care of themselves spiritually.
A spiritual friend exemplifies inspired living and joyful giving.
A spiritual friend knows giving is receiving.
A spiritual friend follows their inner guidance.
A spiritual friend trusts in the process of life.
A spiritual friend holds no memory of the past, except its blessings.
A spiritual friend loves easily with respect and responsibility for their part.
A spiritual friend sees no separation, but knows the union of Oneness.
A spiritual friend recognizes prayer as praise for what is already done.
A spiritual friend is trusting, honest, happy, generous, open-minded, faith-filled, defenseless and patient.
A spiritual friend knows and lives a never-ending Love.
There is more to come. This is the beginning of the spiritual friendship we all seek with one another.
When we remember God and good are our source, we think and speak and act like the Holy Ones we are.
In this we know great and endless love for we have become the spiritual friend for everyone.
Loving you.
Your spiritual friend
Betty Lue