Change Your Environment.
Change Your Thoughts.
Change Your Way of Relating.
Change Your Self Perception.
Change Your Attitude.
Traveling to a new beautiful and abundant environment fills the mind with thought of renewal and bounty.
Practicing new habits of mind, thoughts of gratitude and joy, begin to heal negative mental habits.
Being with people who are carefree, joyful, receptive and helpful opens the door to do the same.
Seeing oneself as a happy and holy being, welcomed and appreciated, paints a new inner reflection.
Deciding to wear a happy face, forgiving fears and judgments, enjoying what is, builds hope and faith.
Here in Kona on our spiritual retreats with like-minded people, we open our minds and our hearts to heal the past and let it go. We begin with gratitude for who we are, where we are and how much we have learned and grown. We come to expect miracles of loving kindness and therefore we see them all around us. We step forward in wonder and curiosity to greet each new day. And most importantly we celebrate the Goodness and Godness in each relationship and amazing new experiences. Life brings us here abundant gifts and we return our gifts of gratitude and celebration. Love grows as gratitude flows.
Love, the miracles of trust and freedom, expand in the light of our expanding consciousness. All we see is recognized as a part of ourselves to be acknowledged with healing and forgiveness or with joyful gratitude and generosity. Those in our little but mighty group are both blessed and a blessing. Everyone sees others as parts of themselves. Everyone one of us loves everyone as we forgive and heal, laugh and let go, release and let flow the bounty of love and generosity of Spirit that each one of us carries within. We all return to our lives, renewed and reborn, transformed and inspired, expanded and blessed by the Love within that is every-growing us all into the Garden of Goodness we are called to be.
Blessing us one and all,
Betty Lue