Pain lets know we have missed the more subtle cues.
Pain is an invitation to heal.
Pain is healed with forgiveness and joy.
Attachment yields pain.
Conflict yields pain.
Resistance causes pain.
Fear creates pain.
There is emotional pain, financial pain, relationship pain, physical pain, financial pain, and spiritual pain.
Wherever there is pain, there is lack of joy.
Wherever there is pain, there is stuckness.
Wherever there is pain, there is lack of Love.
Forgiveness is the key to happiness and inner joy.
Wherever we are withholding Love, we are denying our True Selves.
When we stop loving, we stop being fully alive and authentic.
When we are attached to being right or winning, we hurt ourselves and others.
Pain is an opportunity to forgive and choose again.
Pain is an invitation to let go of the past and be fully present.
Pain is a gift that says choose a another healthier direction.
Pain is a reminder to be conscious and take impeccable care of ourselves.
Pain is a great distraction.
Pain is a call for love.
Pain invites freedom to choose.
Pain awakens our need to trust in God and Goodness within.
Rather than avoid pain.
Let us remember to use it to remind us to Love.
Love God, Creator and Source.
Love Life and live with joy and gratitude.
Love Self with respect and responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions.
Love Others as our family, the One Self , in order to heal our differences.
Loving you with a heart and hope that is True,
Betty Lue
Such adoration and love.