Thanks for your honesty.
Yes, we are joined in our commitment to love, serve and remember God.
Some of us are focused on Self, some on relationships and some on the whole Universe.
Each one of us must serve in the way that touches our heart and teaches us.
I thought you were sharing what you are learning and remembering from within.
This is what and how I share...I never saw it as saying anything about my ego or yours.
I do not flatter you or praise your ego.
I love, respect and value your True Self and Essential Self, because that is what I see and hear.
I actually don’t believe your false humility or false arrogance.
They are simply the egos disguise.
I love and believe in the Authentic You who is a child of God, seeking only to live and give her very best to all she is given to serve. Blessings on your inner listening and your willingness to follow.
Betty Lue
This response to an email I received gives you a glimpse of what is true for me. I seek and fid the spiritual truth in each individual.
I naturally look for the Good, the Gift, the Joy, the Blessing, the Teaching, the Reminder, the Love that lies therein.
Recently I have had a close encounter (volunteered to facilitate a conflict resolution) with someone who held heavy toxic or negative energy and rage, underneath was hurt and fear and under that was a deep desire for peace and love. While the toxins poured out, it was my holy and healing work to flush the cosmic toilet. And yes, there were some moments of release and hope, even glimpses of light and healing present. There was a willingness to do the healing work needed to proceed until a few days of deliberation and interference by professionals, friends and others probably re-stimulated all the past pain and suffering. The result was taking a position without doing the inner work and an unwillingness to keep the healing agreement. Judgment of both message and messenger was the result.
In all this the teaching and learning is to trust the Goodness in all things. Trust our united healing and holy intention.
Trust there is an abiding and deep desire to heal what no longer exists and begin life anew.
I trust this is so and know that each one is doing the best they can with what they believe and know.
Secondarily, I am convinced that we live in a world of choice, freedom of choice.
We can choose to live in fear or in love.
We can choose to carry the past with us or relinquish it knowing it is gone.
We can step away from our mistakes or punish ourselves endlessly for making them.
We can blame someone for the pain in our lives or give ourselves the nurturing and faith to heal the pain.
We can practice vengeance and retribution or forgiveness and renewal.
Life is our work of spiritual art. We are creative.
We create beauty or ugliness, joy or pain, healing or woundedness simply with our focused thoughts, words and deeds.
It is not always easy remembering to choose the highest and best, but when we listen with our hearts we know what is right and good, what is fair and true. In this we always return to Love.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
In this uneasy or rocky month of two lunar eclipses and other energies , hang on with much love, forgiveness and gentle inner listening .
“This too shall pass.” and new vision for spring will come. Life is good and getting better day by day...