Spiritual Principle is ineffective without our activity.
Awareness without judgment is healing.
Clearing our limited thinking with conscious correction and forgiveness is key.
We must recognize and actively release and erase all that is not wholly true and loving.
Where we are blocked in consciousness, we cannot let the sun shine through our words and deeds.
Where we insist on allegiance to an idea and imprinting planted by our ancestry, we cannot know Truth.
Where we declare and affirm limitation, lack and insignificance, we create that experience consistently.
Where we doubt and fear change and transformation, we are stuck with our habits of mind and behavior.
God works through us with our consent and invitation.
We are at choice in how we choose to think and feel.
We are at choice in how we speak and treat others.
We are at choice in how we respond to life's events.
God is the force for Good.
God is the creative Power of Love.
God is the unlimited healer.
God is the all-knowing Presence of Infinite Possibility.
Our work is to clear our learned thoughts of ill will and evil.
Our work is to unleash the natural Love in us by letting go of learned fear.
Our work is to free ourselves from the cultural belief in limitation.
Our work is to release our limited perceptions and open to the Highest good for All.
We can do the work everyday by taking full responsibility for learning from every encounter.
We can celebrate all experiences as opportunities to learn what is True and Loving.
We can enjoy this life of giving the Best we have by listening within to the voice for Love.
We can honor the gifts we are given by sharing them freely to those who receive with gratitude.
Life is for giving.
We are each the gift.
It is in sharing the gifts we have and the gifts we are, that we come to recognize the true nature of God.
Life works when we live it fully with gratitude and joy.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Life is like an elephant ride for an infant.
We all need Grandma’s hand and smile and gentle support.
Give your loving touch and encouraging support to someone today!
(Beckett is 4 months old on March 8. )