This weekend is our Stewardship and Service Facilitation Weekend for the Reunion Living Ministry Program.
To be an effective steward is to recognize everything is Gift.
To appreciate the gifts we have received is to take impeccable care of them with gratitude and love.
Many on the planet at this time take for granted all that we have as though we are entitled to great goods and abundance.
We are raising our children to take for granted and be unappreciative of what is given.
Without respect and responsibility for our bodies, our lives, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, how can we be respectful and responsible for and to one another.
It sometimes seems that because we were born, we are meant to rule the world and all that is in it.
Ie. If we are given a toy, we can choose to play it, set it on a shelf with no appreciation or use, throw it away or destroy it without thought.
Life is precious.
Life is a gift.
The air we breathe is gift.
The water we drink is part of our bodies, the essence from which we live.
The earth on which we live and move and build our homes is sacred.
The people with whom we gather in sacred ceremony or to do holy work are sent by God.
The holy work we do is to be honored and valued.
The words we speak to one another are creating what we speak of.
The thoughts we think are each one a prayer to which the universe responds with YES.
It is time to make our lives holy.
It is time to treat our selves with respect.
It is time to recognize our very existence is a miracle.
It is time to give honor and praise to the Creative Power of Love, of God and Goodness for All That Is.
It is time.
I Am caring and serving by turning around this spaceship to face the Sun and the Son of God, the One that lives in each one of us,
to really see and value, the One who lives within. Let us not forget.
Betty Lue
Teach each child to enjoy the rain, the sun, the wind, the trees, the birds, the grass, the flowers and to love one another.
We must remember to give them the gift of valuing the gift they are given......
Loving All as One.