Are you all together?
Self assessment:
Are your thoughts conscious, consistent and inspiring?
Are your emotions smooth, kind and loving?
Is your physical energy open, natural and flowing?
Are you guided, directed and focused by your inner calling?
You can live a fun, safe and easy life when you are inspired, inner guided, focused, flowing and loving.
You can be healthy, happy and fulfilled with your life, when you are at peace within yourself.
You can feel complete and whole, confident and directed, connected and loved now.
Life is not meant to be an obstacle course.
We are meant to flow around all obstacles.
Life is not meant to be suffering and pain.
We are meant to learn to let go and love again.
Life is not meant to be loss and lack.
We are meant to be prospered and give back.
To get our lives together, we must stop pursuing just one more way of separating from our our selves.
We are called to find and follow the path that deeply moves us to true and lasting happiness.
Our path may working in the garden, walking in nature, creating beauty and goodness, gathering people in friendship, offering help and support, enjoying the blessings of God, teaching little children, preparing healthy meals, writing kind notes, laughing at silly jokes, or just offering hope. Our paths often seem to have little with our profession or education, but rather are the calling of spirit in our heart.
When we live and give what is True for us, it may seem effortless or even selfish, for so it is that we are called to be truly happy, content and at peace.
Every loving parent and Creator wants their children to be happy and loved.
Know when we are in our place just right, all is right in our world for those around us.
Life is good when we are.
Loving you, loving you!
Betty Lue
Call me if you need help in finding your way back home to You! 800-919-2392.
Here is a simple day of just being HAPPY and at peace!
look at how they are mirroring one another.
My mother of 85 years and Baby Beckett of 6 weeks old.