Where I learn, I celebrate.
Where I resist, I hurt myself.
This life really is a university.
There is always learning going on.
Where we are attached, protective, fearful or judging, we feel upset.
Just when I think I know what the world will do with my gifts, I am surprised.
Everyone feels blessed by the gifts I give. (Good affirmation to heal and clear.)
The gifts I refer to are not material, but are gifts of Spirit. (Happy labor in birthing new ideas and vision, positive labor in clearing, cleaning and renewal, inspired labor in inviting, encouraging and blessing.)
Why does the world fear Love?
Why do people judge what is given with Joy?
Why does humanity resist change?
Why do folks fear new growth, adventure and the unknown?
To better understand, I begin with myself…
What allows me to enjoy, trust and even look forward to new beginnings?
I embrace the unknown…
I am certain God is present in all things created in Love, by Love for the purpose of Loving.
Then I ask, how might I be different than those who resist and resent?
Many others seem to fear the unknown….
They seem to doubt and distrust the Presence of Good in what is given and created by Love and Joy.
They seem to resist and resent the giver, the gift and the experience of receiving what is given.
Then I look deeper.
What is the reason for doubt, distrust, resistance and resentment? For making the Good seem bad?
When anyone feels guilt for any reason (self judgment, comparison, withholding love, blame or shame), they either criticize the giver or withdraw their own gifts of Love.
When others feel guilty or less than, they may seek to diminish the other rather than lift themselves.
So what can I do?
This is always the final and best question to ask myself!!!!
I can stop letting anyone's lack of love hurt me (personal self or little girl inside)
I can forgive myself for letting other's fears stop me in any way.
I can forgive our world for teaching that change is dangerous, difficult, or bad.
I can replace fear thoughts with love thoughts, dark thoughts with light thoughts.
I can extend love and peace where there appears to be a lack of love and peace.
I am grateful for this loving reminder of how to respond always with Love,
Betty Lue
Kona Coast, Hawaii Spring Retreat
March 25-28 "Living On Purpose" with Betty Lue and Robert
This would be a great gift to give yourself this year. Another retreat with us in July as well!
Life changing, fun, safe and easy with lots of loving, laughing and learning.