What we perceive comes forth from what we believe. Choose!
How often do you get an opportunity to witness Love at first sight?
How much do you share with those you love your deepest feelings?
How willing are you to reach out to those in need, calling for care?
How available are you to see the miracles that are before you?
Everywhere our world is offering us the openings to see Love and be Love.
Each relationship is reminding us to renew our holy vows to Love All as our brother.
Every moment is a holy moment with seen with forgiveness and gratitude.
Each encounter is a gift of healing our perceptions of separation and fear.
There is so little to do when we simply remember to Love.
There is so little to think when we know we are Love here to give Love and be Love.
There is nothing to get when we are aware of the loving gifts we give from our Essence.
There is only the extension of what is and what will be when we forgive our forgetting.
I see You healed and whole.
I know you are a gift of God's Love.
I love and appreciate the gift of Love you are.
May we all simply awaken to the Love we are.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Baby brother Beckett Mason Atkisson.
You are a beautiful strong and expressive new Being!
We welcome you and celebrate the gifts of Love you bring.
What a privilege to witness such total love.