How are you living?
Do you live and give with an abundance of spirit?
Do you live and give to live gratitude, helpfulness, a joy of being alive?
Do you value and bless all the goodness exchanged everywhere by everyone?
Are you involved in volunteering actively where you really dare to care?
Where you are withholding your love, your gifts and your joy you are impoverishing yourself.
Where you dare not contribute because of your own neediness, you are creating your own emptiness.
Where you have chosen to be sparing in your kindness and gratitude, you darken and deplete your life.
Where you are afraid to love, you are choosing to diminish the natural abundance of love, joy and Goodness that is yours to have.
We cannot have without giving.
We cannot feel loved without loving.
We cannot live without living.
We cannot be fulfilled without filling our own life full of the Goodness we have within.
Life is for giving.
You are the gift.
It is in giving the gift of yourself that you realize the Abundant gift you are.
Remember to live by giving and you will be blessed with abundant happiness and peace.
Betty Lue
Yes we were there to share in the FUN!