When you are loving you, you are happy and at peace.
When you are loving you, you speak good news instead of bad.
When you are loving you, you are content with what you have.
When you are loving you, you see the silver lining.
When you are loving you, you cease misery and complaining.
When you are loving you, you take action on your dreams.
When you are loving you, life is a gift of creating and letting go.
You see, when you are loving you, you trust your journey as it is.
When you are loving you, you freely and easily change course and direction.
When you are loving you, you find beauty and miracles along the way.
When you are loving you, you give your best with a consciousness and generosity.
When you are loving you, you radiate light and love to all.
When you are loving you, your presence is enough.
When you are loving you, your words are healing.
When you are loving you, what you seek you find.
When you are loving you, your life is a blessings wherever you go.
When you are loving you, the world is grateful for your gifts.
When you are loving you, abundance is your natural state.
When you are loving you, you share freely all that you have.
Life is blessed when you love the One you are.
You are blessed by the Presence of your Love.
Your authentic Self shines through in all you say and do.
Your are fully to Gift of God's Love, when you are loving you.
I love you, and support you in letting go of the blocks, so you can truly be loving YOU,
Betty Lue
Are you up for it? If you want to know where to begin......
Look into your eyes each morning and say 10 times,
"I love you, (your name), just as you are."
Mama calls me “Trouble” and Grandma says, “I’m cute.”
When you are loving you, you are curious.
When you are loving you, you do whatever you want.
When you are loving you, you are naturally innocent.