If you don't like it, just stop it.
If you don't like the story you are telling, stop telling it.
If you don't like the foods you are eating, stop eating it.
If you don't like the words you are saying, stop using them.
'If you don't like the people you hang out with, stop hanging out with them.
If you don't like what you are doing with your life, stop doing it.
If you don't like what you are hearing, stop listening.
If you don't like the news, stop watching and reading it.
If you don't like another's behavior, stop perceiving it.
Believe it or not, we can stop creating our experience at any time.
We become habituated to seeing ourselves as stuck with what seems to be.
We believe it is ours to endure and a lesson to be learned.
Perhaps the lesson is to just say "no: walk aways, ignore what you want extinguished.
We can change the focus on the lens of our eye (camera( and see things differently.
We can change direction and see a whole ew point of view.
We can change our minds about what we are judging.
We can flush step away from what rightly belongs in the toilet.
Learning to say "No" is just that easy.
Letting go is as simple as you make it.
Releasing your past is done in the instant you do it.
Forgiving what used to be is a breath away.
I love you and bless you and renew myself as easily as this,
You can too, if you want to.
Loving you,
Betty Lue