Every day is a sacred day.
Every day is special.
Every day offers everything I want.
Every day is a celebration of life.
Every day is a gift.
Every day is for giving
Everyday is an opportunity to learn.
Every day I am teaching with my thoughts, my words and my actions.
Every day I am blessed.
Every day, I am a blessing.
Every day I find inner peace.
Every day I extend peace to others.
Every day I listen within.
Every day I follow my heart.
Every day I am grateful for All I give.
Every day I respect the Abundance I receive.
Every day I am united with everyone everywhere.
Every day I am One with the Earth.
Every day my life is my prayer.
Every day I am God's healing song.
Every day I am loving you.
Every day I am reminding my Self.
There is no time or place where God and Goodness do not exist.
There is no moment in which Truth is not available to me.
I have eyes open to see, ears ready to hear, mind willing to know and feet ready to go.
My heart loves God and the Goodness in all creation.
I am here truly to remember and remind us all that we are blessed and a blessing one to another.
And so it is.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Come play with me this fall.
Also speaking at the Home of Truth o Sunday, Sept 3 10:30AM “What is your Real Work?”