There is a Be, Do Have Rest Abundant Cycle which I teach in my Conscious Communication work.
To have Inspiration and Vision, we must first be still and quiet the Mind and rest in the silence.
To effectively produce, achieve or manifest, we must first have inspired vision and direction.
To fully play, enjoy and be grateful, we must fulfill our chosen work and agreements in life.
To truly rest, we must support others and feels supported with our gratitude and full appreciation.
When there is judgment and fear blocking any aspects of our life, we limit our abundant living.
Balance in life is essential.
Awareness and forgiveness clear blocks.
Focusing on whatever our current stage is with full attention is vital.
Rest well.
Create with Joy.
Do what is yours to do.
Love and appreciate your self and others is what gets done.
Life will be abundant for you!******
Loving you well,
Betty Lue
Are you wide-eyed, open and curious about all the Goodness you will enjoy each day?
Are you ready and willing to love everyone who comes offering Love to you?
Are you ready to receive the very Best and forget the rest?
You will be happy, and healthy and free!