Sunday, July 02, 2006

Love is Freedom—Freedom is Love

Today is another auspicious day in my inspired life.
Today is the 85th birthday of Marian A. Fisher, my mother.
Today is our relationship birthday, the midpoint between our birthdays.
Today I am speaking on the principle of freedom at the home of Truth in nearby Alameda.
Today I am inaugurating a new place for others to join in, in collaboration with Kathleen Sims and others.
Today we are beginning to move from Creative Solutions offices into a larger suite of offices, Suite #200.

Today is the day which God has made.
I am here only to serve the highest Good with everything I think and say and do.
In my freedom and defenselessness, my safety lies.
When I think I know what is really going on I get attached and stuck.
When I try to make something happen, I can feel the resistance and contraction in my mind and body.
When I am afraid that I will do or say something wrong, I am not free to speak Divine Will.

My life is only about undoing what is not Love.
It is fear that binds me and Love that sets me free.
It is Love that frees me and brings my heart great Joy.

The root meaning of "to Love" is "to free".
When we say "I love you.", we are really saying "I free you."
Are you freeing those you Love?
Are you trusting them with your Love?

Yes, my mother and father nurtured me with freedom.
My Parents taught me with freedom and responsibility.
My mother reminded me often that I am a gift of God's Love.
She told me I am God's child on loan to them as parents, for a brief time of guidance, only when needed.
And I thank her for giving me the gift of conscious loving, the gift of trust and freedom.

And yes, God sent my partner Robert to join me over 21 years ago.
Robert also is the Gift of God's Love.
Robert trusts and frees me with his Love.
Robert honors my inner guidance with his whole being.
And I thank him for giving me such profound respectful and True Love.

How are we each to receive the gift of God's Love with all others?
It is through giving that we receive.
It is through loving others with perfect trust and freedom that we fully Love ourselves.
It is through freeing others and trusting in their learning process that they begin to trust themselves.
It is through trust and freedom that we all come to remember to Love one another as God loves us.

Trusting You, Freeing You , just as I am Loving You,
Betty Lue

This 14 month old, Harper, is just beginning to walk, but is always ready to climb.
Life is like this.

Let’s explore and see how high we can climb and how far we can go.

Love trusts the exploration process, with a little help, support and encouragement.

Fear sets limits, scares us with pain, and discourages adventure.

Look to see where you encourage your own adventure, inner guidance and joyous exploration.

Thank you for joining me on this spiritual journey.

Thank you for receiving my gifts with respect and gratitude.

Thank You for supporting us all with your prayers and your contribution.

Thank you for your love and for giving your positive energy to what you value.

Thank you for knowing that we are all in this together.
Thank you for healing, transforming and co-creating our experience of this world.
Thank you for enjoying what is given with joyful appreciation for the Good of all.