To speak out does not mean badgering, nagging, threatening or criticizing.
To speak out means that I show up, pay attention and tell my truth one time and then let go.
To speak out offers the best I know in the moment offering what I would want to hear.
To stand up is to take a stand for what I believe in.
To stand up is to not only express my point of view, but to invest in my position.
To stand up does not mean that I disrespect or do harm to anyone, but rather hold my position firmly.
To stand up offers the power and passion I feel with total conviction and commitment.
To shut up is to withhold my emotions, my opinions and my judgments.
To shut up is to process my energy in healthy ways like exercise, journaling or being creative.
To shut up means I realize that my expression may cause harm, resistance and animosity.
To shut up means that my world view is different than others and I must respect those differences.
How do I know which is best for all concerned?
I listen within.
I ask for the highest outcome.
I forgive my fears and let love lead.
I honor all others as much as myself.
I listen first to understand.
I ask first, if I may share my feelings.
I invite Spirit to be present when I am sharing.
I let go of the need for a certain outcome.
I give to the other the respect I would want for myself.
I take time to share in a confidential setting with an appointed time.
I encourage the other to share freely with me, while being fully attentive.
I complete with gratitude and with love, know that all things work together for Good.
Yes, I give it all to God and the Highest Good of All.
And then I let go with trust and Peace, knowing all is well.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Full expression takes many forms!
Hands and tongues out to let you know we love you and trust you!