What is Reunion Ministries?
About 1977 many families came together for counseling, family life education and fellowship. These individuals were devoted to finding a better way to live, relate, raise their children and practice spiritual principles everyday. After several years of classes, groups, workshops, Sunday morning fellowship and our weekly family fun night, it was suggested that we create a church, a non-profit organization which reminded people to Love and return to our natural state of wholeness. As Spirit was guiding us and me in the teachings I shared, we realized that Reunion was reminding us to come together in love with ourselves, with one another and with God. Thus Reunion Ministries was born and named. We often called ourselves Rainbow Reunion in the beginning because of the diversity and inclusion of all people, all colors, ages, ideas, religious beliefs, socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Everyone was welcomed and included under the rainbow of Love.
Reunion Ministries is a church without walls and without dogma.
Reunion Ministries has trained and ordained 25 ministers over the last 20 years.
Reunion has served, brought hope, faith, love and goodness to tens of thousands directly.
Reunion is the calling of my heart and my holy work. I am she who remembers and reminds.
Our work is to offer counseling and coaching, healing and help, education and inspiration.
Our work is to encourage community centers, services by contribution, inner listening for guidance.
Our work is to teach by example and to teach everyone is a teacher.
Our work is to minister by serving those who come in ways that empower, enlighten and encourage.
Our work is to create what is good and beautiful and holy wherever we are and whatever we do.
Our work is to establish and live by our own spiritual guidelines, teaching others to do the same.
Our work is to show up, pay attention and tell the Highest Truth we know without attachment.
Reunion is about people coming together to remember the Love within.
Reunion offers loving reminders to awaken the Authentic Self.
Reunion is the space of trust and freedom, where love is remembered and wholeness restored.
Reunion is a safe place to discover your Essence and freely express yourself.
Reunion is the reconnection with Spirit in whatever resonates with you.
Reunion is taking responsibility for your whole life experience.
Reunion is recognizing relationships are a reflection of your Self Love.
Reunion is the forgiving of judgments, separation and loneliness.
Reunion is healing from inside out.
Reunion is reclaiming your natural innocence, love and trust.
Reunion is simply celebrating life and living abundantly.
Reunion is reconnection.
Reunion is remembering.
Reunion is renewal.
Reunion is Self-realization.
These Loving Reminders are written from one Child of God to another….You!
These Loving Reminders are received from the Spirit within me (my conversations with God).
These Loving Reminders are my gift to my world and to myself. (All that I give is given to myself.)
These Loving reminders remind us all that we all have an essential part to play in our remembering.
Remember, you too can listen within.
Remember only what resonates with the Truth in you is valuable. Let the rest go with ease.
Remember you are responsible for your feelings, your thoughts, your choices, your experience.
Remember you can only heal, change, commit and choose for yourself.
Remember you are the gift here. Your life is given and is for giving.
What is Reunion Ministries and these Loving Reminders for you?
I would love to hear from you, if you are called to share with me.
Loving you on this Good Friday,
Betty Lue