Today is our 21st wedding anniversary.
Because our union was not the typical attraction, infatuation and falling in love, we celebrate the moment in which we were called together by the Voice of God within. In innocence I asked, "Will you wed with me in Christ?" and in innocence Robert said, "Yes". Today we mark that holy moment as our true wedding, while formally we wed a year later. At the time both of us believed we were simply called to join together to serve God through the ministry of healing, teaching and counseling. Neither of us were aware in 1985 that we were being called to live together, marry, travel and build holistic centers, serve many organizations and communities and teach thousands of individuals throughout the US. I am eternally grateful for the power and healing Presence of our Union. I know that we together with the Love of God in us, have inspired thousands, founded holistic centers, co-created books, songs, communities and circles of light, and love so many beings as our true family. It is pure joy and "dessert" for me to have this simple respectful holy man in my life as friend, brother, spiritual partner and loving reminder everyday. Through our joining, we both continue to teach and learn, give and receive far beyond what either one of us would have experiences alone. Thank you, Blessed Robert.
Twenty-one is the age of emancipation, renewal and re-creation of our garden of Love-21 years together.
I dedicate this coming year to the realization of all that the Divine would have us contribute to our world through our families, friends, students and clients. I need not know the vision, the outcome, the specifics. I need only trust that Love and Faith and Joy are enough and the spirit within presides and guides us.
It is through the continued inspiration of caring and sharing for one another and all who come our way, that I am certain the best is yet to come.
I also dedicate this our anniversary to you my readers.
Without our return to California in November 1998, (so Robert could return to his former profession of financial consulting, after 12 years of play and work together building holistic healing communities in MT, NC, IN and MI,) I would not be writing these reminders to thousands of people around the planet.
While much of life is a mystery. I am certain Spirit uses every twist and turn of both fate and choice to bring us always to the highest good of healing service to humanity. For this, I rejoice and thank God.
Thank you, Robert.
Thank you, God.
Thank you, Friends.
Thank you, Self.
Our united willingness to live and love, learn and laugh together, is enlightening our planet one person at a time.
With gratitude and love,
Betty Lue
A Dynamic Duo and Terrific Trio!