Don't complain…….Do something.
Complaining is a waste of energy.
Complaints get us stuck in reinforcing and refueling what we are complaining about.
Complaining yields more complaints.
Putting energy into what we don't want stops the movie, so we keep seeing what is WRONG.
Putting out negative energy causes others to feel bad for you and yields nothing good.
Complaining is a form of dumpling toxins.
Toxic material belongs in a dump, not in another's consciousness.
Complaining makes others irritable, impatient, resentful or feeling bad, too.
Complaining is our way of saying we feel impotent, incapable and victimized.
Complaining is a reflection of our negative habits of mind, laziness and unwillingness to learn.
Appreciation adds value.
Appreciation gives energy.
Appreciation frees us to create more of what we value.
Appreciation always yields more to appreciate.
Putting energy into what we want opens the flow so we reinforce seeing the Good.
Putting out positive energy causes others to feel great and yields more good to others.
Appreciation is a form of increasing the value of Goodness, Happiness and Love in our world.
Being grateful is food for the Spirit and encourages more gratitude.
Appreciation is our way of saying we feel confident, conscious and capable.
Appreciation is a reflection and projection of our positive attitude, responsibility and willingness to create Goodness, Wholeness and Harmony everywhere.
I appreciate you and me.
I value how we learn to be happy together.
I celebrate the power of our love and joy and peace.
This is Good and getting better, day by day.
Loving You,
Betty Lue
I love you no matter what you choose.
Choosing what is best for you is a wonderful affirmation of the power of clarity, choice, and creativity within you!