The diagnosis may be a lack of being a child.
The prescription may be to attend to your inner child.
The outcome may be a happy being, healthy liver, curious and eager learner and loving giver.
Why do I show you pictures of the children?
Yes, they are my grandchildren…and so are all children on the planet "my children and grandchildren"!
Yes, I am delighted with them each in unique ways and I totally enjoy my time with them.
And the truth is, I totally enjoy my time with each one of you, each in unique ways.
Yes, I learn a so many wonderful things about myself and the mystery of humanity from them.
And I learn much from each client, student and person I encounter casually.
What children give us is the reminder of pure love, fresh curiosity and total focus.
What children give us is the freedom of expression and the wonder of exploration.
What children give us is great sensitivity to the energies and natural "chi" in and around everything.
What children give us is the opportunity to teach useless rules or learn great simple joys.
I know many illnesses, boredom and depression, addiction and destructive habits can be cleared by remembering to be as a child.
I know much of our lostness, wounding and separation can be healed by awakening our inner child.
I know much of our attraction to unhealthy living can be cured by remembering innocent loving.
Children teach us.
We are here to learn.
Remember Love….and Return to Wholeness.
(This is the primary theme of the work I do through Reunion Ministries.)
Where do we begin to remember what has been forgotten, withheld, kept locked in a dark closet within?
"Allow the little children to come unto me"
"Be as a child and the kingdom of heaven is near."
"Love is freedom (the free expression of a child) and Love is trust (the natural knowing and exploring).
Can you give yourself permission?……
Squeal with great glee at something you delight in.
Buy some crayons or chalk and scribble all you want.
Sit in a meadow or your back yard and watch everything around you.
Just play and splash when you take a bath or shower.
Eat with you fingers and spit out what you don't like.
Get all excited when you see people you love come into the room.
Enjoy at all the colorful energy around plants and pets and people.
Cry or groan or make a face when someone says or does something that doesn't feel good and loving.
Sleep when you are tired, eat when you are hungry and cry when you feel bad.
Enjoy every minute you are just being you.
Loving you,
Grandma Betty Lue
Life is like exploring this new climbing structure.....
Lots of holes to look through, new vistas to reach, sisters and brothers to find, moments of joy to share, different perspectives to have and ....sometimes we fall down and get hurt. But so much to look forward to, we forget, get up and move on with present moment joy. B’Lue