See schedule below.
If you need me, please call me at #800-919-2392*
No computer or email access! Loving you always.
What do I do?
Where do I go?
How do I get what I want?
What is stopping me?
Why does this always happen to me?
How can I get the love and support I need?
How do I stop getting confused?
What is interfering with my success?
Doubt and fear are the devil's workshop.
The ego, our learned defensive personality, confuses us with doubt to interfere with our ease and success. Some say the EGO is "Edging God Out."
To follow the path of fear will feel like going around in circles, never happy, never fulfilled.
Most children start listening to the external voices of warning and fear and "No" by age four.
Most children stop listening to the Voice for Good and God within to honor their parents.
Most children learn to let fear and avoidance of punishment and disapproval make their decisions.
Most children trust others before they trust themselves.
Most children are not respected nor listened to.
Most children are given many lessons daily to be afraid and few lessons to trust in love.
Questioning, intimidating, playing victim ("poor me" ), and withdrawing or being aloof are all the ego's methods to delay,
distract and difuse your energy, enthusiasm and success.
Where do you begin?
Heal the doubt within.
To build confidence in you, you must first listen to you.
Listen to the fear.
Listen to the need.
Listen to the pain.
Listen to your heart.
You need to love You.
You need to know You.
You need to find the Real You.
You need to honor and respect You.
You need to clear away all the learned voices and listen to the Spirit of Wholeness within.
You need to forgive yourself and others for forsaking your magnificence and theirs.
You need to spend time writing, playing, giving yourself what you really need.
You are a gift. Your life is a gift.
Your joy brings joy.
Your love increases Love.
Your peace gives peace to every other mind.
In your healing and remembering, you are healing us all.
Take the time to know and love and be the wise and loving and amazing beautiful being You Are.
Once you are truly listening and love within, you will know where to go, what to do and how to give.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
March 16-19 with Betty Lue Lieber, Ph.D. MFT
Spring Theme: "Remembering Love and Celebrating Life"
"Please gather with me sometime during this weekend to remember the Light within you and Celebrate New Life together. By offering choices, I hope there is a perfect time."
March 16 Thursday, Remember Love and Celebrate Wholeness", 7-9PM
March 17 Friday, Coaching &Counseling Consultations with Betty Lue, 7 AM-5PM
March 17 Friday, Gathering of Ministers of Reunion, 7-9PM
March 18 Saturday, Life is Our Ministry: "What Is Your Message?" 9-5PM
March 19 Sunday, Life is Our Ministry: "Now What?" 9-3:30PM
Kalamazoo Gatherings, 5464 Holiday Terrace (Connie Vinci's office, (next door to my hotel) and 2nd Driveway on left, as you turn down Holiday Terrace off S. 11th.)
Kalamazoo Consultations at Hawthorne Suites, 2575 S. 11th St. (Ask for my room.)
Benton Harbor Weekend Workshops, Brookview Montessori,501 Zollar Drive Benton Harbor, MI.
Contact Linda Beushausen;
Your financial investment pays for the space rental and workshop costs, my travel expenses from California and for the 4 days of time away from my home and professional responsibilities, so I can travel to Michigan. I trust Spirit in You, your inspired guidance, to direct your fair contribution to Reunion Ministries, a non-profit 501(c)3 tax-deduction. I am guided to welcome all who are called.