I have personally known illness, death, hospice, great pain, surgery and near death, bankruptcy, divorce, attempted murder, infidelity, deception, fraud, being scammed, burglary, vandalism, fear, single-parenting, food stamps, tragedy, police, courts and prison, exclusion, prejudice, husband's illness and disability, protecting a loved one, being judged falsely, having and having not, abandonment, and more.
All of this was experienced in this lifetime for myself or for those in my presence.
I have experienced living a very human existence.
With these experiences came human thoughts and moments of human emotion.
What may make these experiences different for me is that with each one, I was called to go to a Higher Power, a place of inner peace, and experience profound forgiveness, release and return to love.
I perceived each experience as reminding me to return to Love, wherever there is a call for Love.
I perceived each hurt as an opportunity to grow in faith and strengthen my courage to be the Love I Am.
I perceived each relationship as a holy encounter, calling forth from the most conscious One, LOVE.
"My Spirit greets You. My heart rejoices."
We are in a holy relationship in which we are here solely to remind one another of our Holiness.
This is the Truth.
No matter what the difficulty, no matter how painful the wound, no matter how upset we may feel, the only healing response is Love.
Even though I may be busy, pre-occupied, focused on my own work or thoughts or needs, my Spirit is ever present with yours.
Even though I may appear to be physically absent or attending to others, I am with you.
Every one is special. Every relationship is sacred. Every moment is healing. Every word has meaning. Every thought is a prayer or affirmation. Every action is teaching all others.
The worldly knowledge I have acquired through literally thousands of hours of training, certification, workshops, and supervised programs is nothing in comparison to the inner wisdom bestowed on me in any moment of listening within. While I have learned much from thousands of clients and hundreds of workshops I have designed and facilitated, my primary resource remains my inner guidance in each moment. While I have written now over 2200 Loving Reminders and thousands of pages of handouts for workshops and classes, what I value most is my peaceful mind, my open heart and my trust in the inspired wisdom that lives in me and speaks through me.
I am learning everyday in everyway…
from the clouds and the colors of the sun on the many shades of green,
from the sounds of laughter and intense looks of innocence and trust in our babies,
from the voices on the phone or in my presence, when I hear the call for help,
from the little acts of loving kindness and dignified service to elders in our community,
from how my energy flows and grows when there is a need, and rests when I have need,
from bills to be paid and money that comes in to fill the account so I know All is well,
from Robert's gentle touch as I pass by to remind me personally, I am his Beloved,
from your notes and prayers, your love and cares, shared with me, knowing I am Your Sister.
I freely offer inspired wisdom, because I know nothing.
I am willing to share the Love I have and the gifts I am freely given, trusting in the abundant and eternal supply,
Betty Lue
Free Holistic Clinic this Sunday, March 12.
Appointments 2-6PM with Robert and Betty Lue. 800-919-2392
We support you in remembering your wholeness physically, mentally, spiritually. We are partners in realizing our intrinsic wellness through freely giving to one another. We join you in realizing your desired outcome, through the co-creative process of undoing what is no longer of value.
Amazing! I wonder how I got in there? There I am and there you are! Wow! Life is a mirror with perfect reflection!