Are you awakening?
Fear is thawing.
Anger is heating up the Earth.
Impatience is pushing us into doing something Good.
Emotions are starting to flow with expression of forgiveness.
Frustrations are felt as earthquakes in consciousness.
We are listening and hearing the lies and quiet deception.
We are watching one another to find safety in sharing.
We do care.
We want Peace.
We seek to Love.
We want to heal.
We are tired of letting fear lead us over the cliff.
(Stampeding cattle follow the herd to their death.)
Let us stop and look around us.
Let us be grateful for the love in our lives.
Let us seek guidance from our courageous spirits.
Let us rejoice in this time of renewal and new life.
During LENT, Let's Eliminate Negative Thinking. (Robert Schuller)
Let us forgive and let go of what is not working.
Let us release and bless what no longer serves the greater Good.
Let us fast from our doubts, fears, regrets and complaints.
Let us stop and look with respect.
Let us listen and affirm with faith.
Let us vision and believe we can achieve.
Peace on Earth, beginning in our own hearts and minds.
Abundant Love, beginning with out own words and deeds.
Bountiful Joy, beginning with our daily appreciation for All That Is.
Let the Spring begin with me,
Betty Lue
MASTERMIND: The Power of Co-Creation at Work!
This is a group experience to which you bring any desired goal, vision or healing for yourself or others. It is a series of 6 weeks, committed, because it depends on group participation and focus.
Mastermind intention is to use group vision, affirmation, support, and faith to manifest our vision for ourselves and our world.
MasterMind begins on Thursday Eves, March 23 from 7-8:30PM, six weeks. Contribution. Betty Lue will facilitate and teach the participants to continue this or lead other groups, if they wish.
See pure love and joy and peace below in Harper’s face.
This lives in you perhaps covered with learning what is untrue.