When you see a problem, it is your to resolve.
When you see a conflict, it it yours to offer peace.
Where you see lack of wholeness, it is yours to heal your perceptions.
How I respond to any need determines my feeling of gratitude and abundance.
How I respond to any need determines my feeling safe and secure and provided for.
How I respond to any need is determined by my willingness and ability to respond.
How I respond to any need is determined by my trust, freedom and love.
I can choose to see things differently.
I can use my heart and my mind.
I can always give Who and Whose I Am.
I can always extend the best I know.
There is no limit to what the Love in me can do.
There is no limit to what the Love in you can do.
When I perceive a need, it is mine to fill.
When I am "haunted" by the same issue or perceived need, I am being asked to respond differently.
When the problem continues, I must listen within for the highest and best response.
When I have healed my perception, all judgment is gone and I am at peace.
On a practical level, I may be called to clean up a public bathroom or bring a physical need to the manager's attention. I go to the person with the decision-making and action-taking ability when I am asking for help. When there is a need to handle concerns, fear or judgments about health, finances or legal matters, I choose the person who I believe will clear any fear and work with me in a positive or helpful way. When I feel called emotionally to help others, I first respond by bringin myself to a natural or neutral state of peace and love, and ask what is for the hghest good of all. what am I to day or do?
Often I am called simply to meditate, clear my mind and emotions so that I can perceive the Goodness and Wholeness within the situation. Trust and freedom=Love. I am here to Love.
This world is an invitation to heal our perceptions.
What we believe we can and do perceive.
To heal my mind is to change my perceptions.
To heal my mind changes what I believe.
Healing my mind is my response ability.
Healing my mind offers the most creative power for changing my relationship with the world.
Loving us as we heal our mind,
Betty Lue
You are so beautiful to me! God..Creator created us to create what is good, and whole and beautiful. This is how we are meant to live, day by day. Call me if you want to learn to undo the blocks to living this way. Life can be fun, safe and easy by erasing what is not. See the twins in joy below!!!!!