From "365 Buddha: Daily Meditations," edited by Jeff Schmidt. Reprinted by arrangement with Tarcher/Putnam, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc.
We are responsible for our consciousness.
We are responsible for our state of mind.
We are responsible for our Presence.
We are responsible for our emotions.
We are responsible for our reactions.
We are responsible for our relationships.
We are responsible for our parenting.
We are responsible for our communication.
We are responsible for our acts of service.
We are responsible for our financial state.
We are responsible for our homes and vehicles.
We are responsible for our jog performance.
We are responsible for our respect and responsibilities.
We are responsible for our health and healing.
We are responsible.
When we are conscious, we realize our responsibilities and we respond with the best we know.
When we are mindful, we observe our mistakes, forgive any judgments, learn and make corrections.
When we are present, we show up with an open mind and grateful heart.
When we are willing, we give our best without regard to the other's current state.
When we are awake, we learn, love and let go easily, with joy in our heats and peace of mind.
To meditate is to be at peace with life.
To be mindful is be fully alive, awake and aware.
To be aware with no judgment is to heal and see the wholeness.
Choose to be mindful today as you shower and dress, prepare food and eat, go to work and serve, listen and talk with others, answer your phone.
Set your intention to be fully conscious and mindful today.
Enjoy each moment for the gift it really is.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Children are mindful. We need to stop distracting them from their awarenesses.
“Grandpa got us this new floor puzzle.
We need to feel it and take it apart and discover how it all fits together.”