See Santa’ Helpers below!!
This holiday is the giving time of year.
Many are taught Christmas is the getting time of year.
"If you are good, you will get."
When there is enough giving, there will be no lack.
When there is enough caring, there will be no shame.
When there is enough love, there will be no fear.
When there is enough joy, there will be no pain.
When we each give freely what we have been given, we will see no emptiness in our lives.
When we each reach out with love in our hearts, we will see an end to fear and distrust.
When we each share our God-given talents, we will see a world blessed with creativity and enjoyment.
When we each sing and dance our uniqueness, we will see an explosion of freedom and fulfillment.
Where can I begin my dance of freedom?
How do I share my natural gifts with my world?
Who can I touch with my kindness and warmth?
What can I contribute and to whom?
When our focus is on giving, we begin to experience how much we have.
When our focus is on getting, it seems we always want more.
When we care about others, we find more than enough love within us.
When we care only about ourselves, our emptiness and neediness grow.
When we commit to make a difference, we give without ceasing.
When we are committed to our own security and satisfaction, our hunger is insatiable.
Giving with gratitude fills us with joy.
Forgetting about our fears opens the way to assure others.
Living each day to the fullest ensures fulfillment.
Remembering all humanity is our family gives us many souls to touch and teach and nurture.
Life offers us infinite paths of loving kindness.
When we are willing to give for the sake of giving, love becomes our reason for living.
Loving you all with an endless and careless Love,
Betty Lue
Thank you for reading these reminders. Thanks for sharing them with those you Love. Thanks for living a life of giving. Thanks for blessing all of us in your prayers. Thanks for letting me Love You. Betty Lue
Harper and Lila are now 7 months old and full of love, laughter and curiosity. Robert and I are blessed to be with them on Mondays and Fridays. Feeling safe and loved frees them to trust our world, trust themselves and to explore and learn with great delight... Santa’s helpers are all of you who know love is the magic and giving love is the path to joy. Betty Lue