Note: We are off to Oregon this AM with Robert's Mom to visit and celebrate with adult daughter, Lacey, Robert's brother and his wife and Jackie's oldest friend from kindergarten. We will enjoy the traveling, cool weather, friendships and family as well as our quiet time alone to meditate, walk in the woods and give thanks.
When we are not experiencing gratitude, we have lost our connection with Self and Source.
When we are not willing and able to give thanks, we are off purpose.
When we are not seeing and believing in the Love within us, we are judging what was.
Our way to be grateful is through forgiveness here and now.
To be grateful, we must first and foremost forgive.
Forgiveness clears the past and quiets the mind.
Gratitude sees what is before us with love and respect.
Forgiveness is the cosmic cleanser to be able to see.
Without forgiveness, I judge what is and what I wish would be.
With forgiveness, I appreciate what is possible and enjoy what I have.
With judgment, I am unhappy, discontent and lacking inspiration and energy.
With forgiveness, I am at peace, appreciative and filled with desire to create.
Fill your heart with gratitude and you will know fulfillment now.
Fill your words with praise and you will see gratitude all around you.
Fill your activities with full appreciation and you will know great peace.
Fill your life with thanksgiving and you will heal your world.
I thank you for being there.
I thank you for loving.
I thank you for learning.
I thank you for feeling.
I thank you for imagining.
I thank you for growing.
I thank you for healing.
I thank you for listening.
I thank you for letting go.
I thank you for appreciating.
I thank you for telling the truth.
I thank you for being patient.
I thank you for giving.
I thank you for working.
I thank you for playing.
I thank you for resting.
I thank you for creating.
I thank you for sharing.
I thank you for daring.
I thank you.
Thanking you for all this and soooo much more.
Betty Lue
I am here for you by phone 800-919-2392.
Even when I am traveling, there is always time for you.
Thank you for joining me on this spiritual journey.
Thank you for receiving my gifts with respect and gratitude.
Thank You for supporting us all with your prayers and your contribution.
Thank you for your love and for giving your positive energy to what you value.
Thank you for knowing that we are all in this together...
Thank you for healing, transforming and co-creating our experience of this world.
Thank you for enjoying what is given with joyful appreciation for the Good of all.
I appreciate YOU!
Betty Lue