Just when life seems to be settled and comfortable, change happens.
Adventure calls. Problems arise. The weather changes. Someone needs our help.
There is no end to the invitation for healing and growth throughout life.
Our soul (sole) purpose in being here is to experience.
Life's experiences are designed by our soul, our higher self, to Awaken us to Love freely and Live fully.
Lazy living is for those who choose to go slow, stay comfortable, to protect their attachments.
Some say we only need therapy or help from another when we get stuck.
Life is the greatest teacher.
When I get settled for that "long winter's nap", I soon will be awakened by the clatter on my rooftop.
Surprise and the unexpected happen.
How we handle it is our choice.
With judgment and resistance, we struggle and suffer.
With trust and curiosity, we embrace and enjoy.
With dozens of moves, all variety of homes, different lifestyles and economic circumstances, I have experienced an expansive array of opportunities to heal and grow. Usually with the attitude of an innocent child, a happy willing learner, I have truly enjoyed the forgiveness, flexibility and fun of each new beginning. With a beginner's mind there is no arrogance, no attachment to "My way", nothing to protect, and nothing to prove. Happiness is the reward and Love is the path. Returning more to family service through our grand children and Robert's Mom, adapting to the shifts in spiritual partnership due to Robert's health challenges, and serving in passive community, has taught me patience and gentle perseverance, gentling of my passionate and persuasive communications, and return to the basics of self healing and cultivation of my inner garden.
There is much to be said for release of the past to begin here and now.
There is much to be learned by forgiving all history and story-telling, reminiscing with glory or regret.
There is much to be gained with childlike curiosity and wonder, expectation and enjoyment.
There is much to be received by living in the present practicing thee Presence and Fullness of Love.
There is much to be lived when we are willing to Love as we have never loved before.
I am beginning again, ever-renewed in faith and hope and Love for You and All,
Betty Lue
Do You believe in the unseen or just having fun? I carved those pumpkins, dressed the girls in their ducky suits and took the photos. And I LOVE those three beings,, just like I love YOU! Smile...and if you can’t find your delight,, call me for an appointment!